Monday, January 08, 2007

Another vision about Portuguese Discoveries: Fernando Pessoa

Poetas portugueses: À conquista
Portuguese poets: The conquest

Deus quer, o homem sonha, a obra nasce
God wants, the man dreams, the work is born.

Outrora em tempos remotos
Ouvi vozes célebres dizer:
“ Deus quer, o homem sonha, a obra nasce...”
É sobre isso que vou escrever.

Naveguei por além-mar,
Mares negros nunca navegados
Com as ondas e o vento,
O cheiro dos mastros salgados

Ouvi a voz de Deus
Dizer-me a mim seu criado
-Tudo hás-de conquistar,
E o teu nome será lembrado.

No cabo Bojador passei,
No rio do Ouro fui nadar.
Sem nunca de quem me disse esquecer:
“Tudo hás-de conquistar”.

Joana Pereira

Afone time in distant times
I heard renowed voices saying
“God wants, the man a dream, the work is born…”
And that is what I will write about.

I sailed throughout the ocean,
Black seas never sailed before
With the waves and the wind
the smell of the salted masts

I heard God’s voice
Telling me, his servant
- You shall conquer everything
And your name shall be remembered

On the Bojador cape I passed
On the River of Gold I swam
Without ever forgetting who told
“You shall conquer everything.”

Joana Pereira

Mar salgado

Ó mar salgado, quanto do teu sal
São lágrimas de Portugal
D’entre os que morreram
E os que vivos se manteram.

Mataste tanta gente
Sem amor escaldante e ardente.

Permitis-te os descobrimentos
E despertaste alguns do nossos sentimentos.
Tantas mortes que provocaste
E tantas almas que embora mandaste.

Salted Sea

Oh salted sea, how much of your salt
Are tears from Portugal?
Among those who died
And those who kept themselves alive

You have killed so many people
With no burning nor fiery love

You allowed the discoveries
And awakened some of our feelings
So many deaths you caused
And so many souls away you sent

Oh salted sea, how much of your salt
Are tears from Portugal? There is much longing
And little freedom
The beloved ones never returned
And the women were tormented

The sons cried
Their mothers didn’t comfort them
They were left whit their father’s voice on their year
But he was gone

Oh salted sea, how much of your salt
Are tears from Portugal?

Cristiano Fernandes

Frases célebres

Estas frases célebres foram retiradas do livro Mensagem de um dos maiores poetas portugueses, Fernando Pessoa.
E as frases célebres são:

1-«Deus quer, o homem sonha e a obra nasce.»

Comentário: Esta frase célebre já dita no poema da minha colega vem do poema O Infante de Fernando Pessoa deixa as pessoas a pensar porque quando deus quer tudo corre bem, o homem tem de sonhar para abrir e conquistar novos horizontes e assim a obra nasce.

2-«Ó mar salgado, quanto do teu sal, são lágrimas de Portugal.»

Comentário: Esta frase retirada do mesmo livro que a primeira, mas de outro poema chamado Mar Português quer nos dizer que as mães, mulheres e filhos de marinheiros, sofreram muito porque não sabiam, se seus amados voltavam ou não do alto mar, mas também passaram muito tempo sem comunicarem com seus familiares.
E a isto chamamos saudade.

Nota: Estes poemas e frases célebres foram retiradas dos poemas de Fernando Pessoa alusivos aos descobrimentos.

Mário Martins

Famous sentences

This famous sentences were taken from the book message of one of the greatest Portuguese poets, Fernando Pessoa.

“God wants, the Man dreams and the work is born.”

Comment: This Famous sentences that my colleague also used in her poem comes from the poem “The Infant” by Fernando Pessoa and it makes people think about the fact hat when God Wants, things go well, the Man must dream to open and conquer new horizons and that is how the work is born.

“Oh salted sea, how much of your salt are tears from Portugal”

Comment: This sentences was taken from the same book but from a different poem named Portuguese Sea and it transmits the idea that the women, the mothers and the children of sailors suffered a lat because they didn’t know if their beloved would return from the sea or not and because they spent a long time without being able to communicate with them.

Note: This poems and sentences were taken from the poems by Fernando Pessoa which talk about the discoveries.

Poema final

Aqui em cima falamos
Deste belo escritor
Que com sua poesia
E histórias de amor.

Entre velhos tripulantes,
Momentos de magoa e dor
Nos conquistou por dentro
Este belo escritor.

Viveu para a poesia
Assim como o mar do sal
Escreveu sobre as conquistas
Deste nosso Portugal.
Uma história deixou
Para mais tarde recordar.
Momentos inesquecíveis,
Mil histórias para contar.


Final Poem

Here up above we speak
Of this lovely writer
Whom with his poetry
And love story.

Among old sailors
Times of sorrow and pain
Has conquered us on the inside
This lovely writer.

He lived for poetry
As the sea from salt
He wrote about the conquests
Of our Portugal.

A story he has left
So that later we could remember
Un forgettable moments
And a thousand stories to tell.

Sara Barbosa


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